Compact Transylvania

4 days

Visit some of the most beautiful places in Transylvania that no traveler should omit.

Starting points: Sibiu, Cluj-Napoca

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Itinerary Highlights

  • Enjoy 3 nights accommodation in selected places, in Transylvania's most beautiful cities
  • Visit the wonderful old town of Sibiu (Hermanstadt) with its 13th-century Council Tower and Brukenthal Palace within the remains of old medieval walls
  • Enjoy the ambience of Brasov (Kronstadt) and its medieval old city, this gem is right the heart of the Carpathian mountains.
  • Visit Peles Castle, a Neo-Renaissance castle in the Carpathian Mountains a real fairy-tale place.
  • There is more beyond Dracula's legend, experience the history of Bran Castle, a famous medieval castle at the border of Transylvania, right in the Carpathian mountains.
  • Discover Biertan one of the most important Saxon villages with fortified churches in Transylvania.
  • Visit the medieval historic citadel of Sighisoara, a UNESCO World Heritage Site built in the 12th century by Saxon settlers.
  • Witness the spectacle of natural wonders in the heart of Transylvania and enjoy the the taste of real traditional cuisine, in a place frozen in time.

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